
The default configuration file is shown as follows.

  "database": {
    "mysql": {
      "username": "username",
      "password": "password",
      "database": "mysql",
      "host": "localhost",
      "port": 3306,
      "dialect": "mysql",
      "operatorsAliases": false,
      "logging": false,
      "timezone": "+08:00",
      "define": {
        "freezeTableName": true,
        "timestamp": true,
        "charset": "utf8"
      "pool": {
        "max": 10,
        "min": 1,
        "idle": 10000,
        "acquire": 30000
    "redis": {
      "cluster": false,
      "options": [
          "host": "localhost",
          "port": 6379
    "mongodb": {
      "host": "localhost",
      "port": 27017,
      "db": "loraLogger",
      "cluster": false
  "mqClient_ns": {
    "consumerGroup": {
      "options": {
        "kafkaHost": "localhost:9092",
        "groupId": "lora-network-server-message-dispatch-in",
        "sessionTimeout": 15000,
        "protocol": [
        "fromOffset": "latest"
      "topics": [
    "client": {
      "kafkaHost": "localhost:9092",
      "clientId": "lora-network-server-message-dispatch-out"
    "producer": {
      "requireAcks": 1,
      "ackTimeoutMs": 100,
      "partitionerType": 2
    "schemaPath": {
      "messages": "config/messages.json",
      "common": "config/common.json"
    "topics": {
      "pubToApplicationServer": "AS-sub",
      "subFromApplicationServer": "AS-pub",
      "pubToConnector": "NC-sub",
      "subFromConnector": "NS-sub",
      "pubToJoinServer": "JS-sub",
      "subFromJoinServer": "JS-pub",
      "pubToControllerServer": "CS-sub",
      "subFromControllerServer": "CS-pub"
  "log": {
    "level": "debug",
    "colorize": true
  "server": {
    "fcntCheckEnable": true,
    "deduplication_Delay": 200,
    "downlink_Data_Delay": 200
  "mqClient_js": {
    "consumerGroup": {
      "options": {
        "kafkaHost": "localhost:9092",
        "groupId": "lora-join-server-consumer",
        "sessionTimeout": 15000,
        "protocol": [
        "fromOffset": "latest"
      "topics": [
    "client": {
      "kafkaHost": "localhost:9092",
      "clientId": "lora-join-server-produce"
    "producer": {
      "requireAcks": 1,
      "ackTimeoutMs": 100,
      "partitionerType": 2,
      "joinServerTopic": "JS-pub"
  "mqClient_nc": {
    "consumerGroup": {
      "options": {
        "kafkaHost": "localhost:9092",
        "groupId": "lora-network-connector-consumer",
        "sessionTimeout": 15000,
        "protocol": [
        "fromOffset": "latest"
      "topics": [
    "client": {
      "kafkaHost": "localhost:9092",
      "clientId": "lora-network-connector-produce"
    "producer": {
      "requireAcks": 1,
      "ackTimeoutMs": 100,
      "partitionerType": 2
    "topics": {
      "pubToServer": "NS-sub"
  "udp": {
    "port": 1700
  "http": {
    "port": 3000
  "mqClient_as": {
    "consumerGroup": {
      "options": {
        "kafkaHost": "localhost:9092",
        "groupId": "lora-application-server-message-dispatch-in",
        "sessionTimeout": 15000,
        "protocol": [
        "fromOffset": "latest"
      "topics": [
    "client": {
      "kafkaHost": "localhost:9092",
      "clientId": "lora-application-server-message-dispatch-out"
    "producer": {
      "requireAcks": 1,
      "ackTimeoutMs": 100,
      "partitionerType": 2
    "schemaPath": {
      "messages": "config/messages.json",
      "common": "config/common.json"
    "topics": {
      "pubToCloud": "cloud-pub",
      "subFromCloud": "cloud-sub",
      "pubToServer": "AS-pub",
      "subFromServer": "AS-sub"
  "mqClient_nct": {
    "consumerGroup": {
      "options": {
        "kafkaHost": "localhost:9092",
        "groupId": "lora-network-controller-message-dispatch-in",
        "sessionTimeout": 15000,
        "protocol": [
        "fromOffset": "latest"
      "topics": [
    "client": {
      "kafkaHost": "localhost:9092",
      "clientId": "lora-network-controller-message-dispatch-out"
    "producer": {
      "requireAcks": 1,
      "ackTimeoutMs": 100,
      "partitionerType": 2
    "schemaPath": {
      "messages": "config/messages.json",
      "common": "config/common.json"
    "topics": {
      "pubToServer": "CS-pub",
      "subFromServer": "CS-sub"

In general, the following options are necessary for users to modify according to actual situations,

  • database.mysql.username: the username of MySQL
  • database.mysql.password: the user's password of MySQL
  • database.mysql.database: the database used for X-LoRa in MySQL
  • udp.port: the port for receiving UDP packets from LoRa Gateways(default value is 1700)
  • http.port: the port of HTTP interfaces(default value is 3000)

Other configurations are free to change to fit the environments.